
Showing posts with the label violence

Preventing violent extremism through Collective Impact in Ottawa ~ Abid Ullah Jan

  Published on November 26, 2018 by   Abid Ullah Jan Save   Abid Ullah Jan “We” first approach is the key ingredient for the success of the evolving collective Impact work for P/CVE in Ottawa. In the wake of rising extremism and hate crimes, the Chief of Ottawa Police, the Mayor’s office, Yasir Naqvi – the then MPP – and the chair of OLIP Network approached United Way Ottawa in February 2017 for a mechanism: 1) to respond to groups and organizations in the community who are active in preventing hate crime through diversity, inclusion and integration of services perspective, 2) to find ways to support and champion that work, 3) to engage those who not currently involved, 4) to engage passive supporters who need information and opportunity and 5) to identify disenfranchised and vulnerable groups who stand in opposition to efforts at diversity and inclusion. United Way has since taken a lead on convening and engaging the right partners. We have made considerable progress. We...

A Note to TST and CVE Training Designers and Facilitators ~ Abid Ullah Jan

  A Note to TST and CVE Training Designers and Facilitators Abid Ullah Jan Content from PeaceQuest could be used for Muslim Youth Resilience projects to avoid a disproportionate number of them ending up in the criminal justice system. The themes that PeaceQuest has picked up and the relevant research that has been done will be helpful in building knowledge and capacity to develop the right training/workshop material for children as well as youth which might be at risk of criminal involvement. Adding the faith factor to the evidence-based Trauma Systems Therapy (TST) sessions for at-risk youth to address anti-social behaviour and preventing criminal inclement is necessary. The content on PeaceQeust shows which theme and what specific info needs to be incorporated for a deeper impact. Adding these Islamic concepts to the TST and other resilience-building programs add inspiration, hope and motivation to act moderately; to improve sense of safety, permanency, and wellbeing among the vu...

How to develop a counter narrative to address hate and violence ~ Abid Ullah Jan

How to develop a counter narrative to address hate and violence ~ Abid Ullah Jan Protecting youth through the most powerful motivating and behaviour shaping concepts The content on PeaceQuest is also intended to help develop messages and narratives that counter the misconceptions that incite violence and hatred. Some individuals become so preoccupied with a misperceptions about Islam and Muslims that they join an extremist groups that promises to use violence to make change happen. Parents, teachers and youth workers are in best position to understand the content we are sharing through PeaceQuest because a direct message from Muslims and Islamic sources is viewed as having a hidden agenda. It is not possible for “outsiders” to share a counter narrative because these groups — especially if they experience opposition from mainstream society—to isolate themselves, where they increasingly rely on their own members for information, confirmation, and justification. Ignoring outside voices, e...

Happiness: Part 2. Tranquility: A Guard Against Extremism ~ Abid Ullah Jan

Happiness: Part 2. Tranquility: A Guard Against Extremism Extremism comes in various shades and forms starting with some simple wrong choices and decisions. Our quest for happiness through wrong means leads us into depression, anxiety and extreme actions. the question is how to make right decision and right choices at the right time to achieve lasting happiness and avoid sliding into extremes. Watch Video PeaceQuest CommDev About the Author: Abid Ullah Jan Abid Ullah Jan’s Awards Abid Ullah jan’s Books Abid Ullah Jan’s Manuals Abid Ullah Jan Videos Crime Prevention through Social Development (French) by Abid Ullah Jan Implementing Crime Prevention through Social Development by Abid Ullah Jan Highlighting Success Stories – Abid Ullah Jan When Neighbourhoods Bounce Back – Abid Ullah Jan Crime Prevention Outcome - Abid Ullah Jan Crime Prevention through Social Development - Abid Ullah Jan Crime Prevention Ottawa – Safety Community Gu...