A Note to TST and CVE Training Designers and Facilitators ~ Abid Ullah Jan
A Note to TST and CVE Training Designers and Facilitators
Abid Ullah Jan
Content from PeaceQuest could be used for Muslim Youth Resilience projects to avoid a disproportionate number of them ending up in the criminal justice system.
The themes that PeaceQuest has picked up and the relevant research that has been done will be helpful in building knowledge and capacity to develop the right training/workshop material for children as well as youth which might be at risk of criminal involvement.
Adding the faith factor to the evidence-based Trauma Systems Therapy (TST) sessions for at-risk youth to address anti-social behaviour and preventing criminal inclement is necessary. The content on PeaceQeust shows which theme and what specific info needs to be incorporated for a deeper impact.
Adding these Islamic concepts to the TST and other resilience-building programs add inspiration, hope and motivation to act moderately; to improve sense of safety, permanency, and wellbeing among the vulnerable youth in a manner that deters and reduces their participation in extremist, criminal or antisocial activity.
The content on PeaceQuest provides opportunities to social workers/trainers to develop strategies that Muslim youths (particularly refugees from war torn countries) can use to manage emotions and protect themselves from threats.
The content on PeaceQuest is a good starting point for developing culturally and religiously-based TST. We have included sufficient biological, psychological, astronomical and info from other sciences for sensitisation and make a perfect case in alignment to the religious text for deeper understanding as well as motivation and inspiration.
The key themes are discussed as role model conversation with the right questions posed, info provided in a sequential manner and conclusions reached for a curious mind. Using other tools, such as power-point, group conversation, classroom setting, other multi-media products could enhance the quality of this content.
Trainers’ modules could also be developed to train and support community-based, multi-sectoral partners, including community-based organizations, schools, recreational programs, and substance use treatment providers, in the implementation of advanced, culturally-suitable TST or resilience building programs.
The info shared through the PeaceQuest video is the result of in-depth research in science and Islamic knowledge base. It could be used in a variety of ways through various tools to import education and awareness sessions both for Muslim youth at-risk of involvement in criminal activities and non-Muslims who are enticed by the far-right misconceptions into various hate movements.
The content at PeaceQuest is helpful in:
- Deploying culturally and religiously-based approaches to delivering targeted prevention/early intervention workshops with parents and youth.For example, for Muslim youth, this series could be the first step in opening the doors to spiritual upliftment. Similarly, Understanding the holistic picture of Islam is critical for setting the foundation for criminal and anti-social behaviours, and avoiding extreme in all that we do in life.For non-Muslims the content here could be of great help who might believe that the Islamic concept of Jehad means to wage war on non-Muslims and Islamic teachings “radicalize” them into committing acts of violence.
- Understanding the continuum of hate from ignorance, fear and hate to violence and the signs of harmful behaviours at an early stage and how can it be addressed through a collective impact approach.
- Understanding that Islam doesn’t promote or support anti-Semitism.
- Discussing collaboratives ways to preventing and countering trends that lead to violence and how they can disengage youth/others from hateful and violent ideologies.
- Facilitating conversation on how to Identify and respond logically and with facts (using a powerful counter narrative) to grievances, fear or “hidden agendas,” feeling threatened and having misconceptions about “others” that pre-occupy some individuals and lead them to hate and violence.
- Discussing how to strengthen Social networks of close friends and family to positively influence at risk individuals’ interest in an hateful and extreme ideologies that end up in violence.
- Promoting and supporting religious concepts that promote tolerance, kindness, understanding and disdain for violence.
- Discussing other vulnerabilities that might force individuals to develop hatred and engage in violence.
Please feel free to connect for obtaining additional notes, research and tools used in these videos.
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