
Showing posts with the label fear

Unravelling a Myth Behind the Fear and Hatred


Unravelling a Myth behind the Hatred and Fear of a People

Sharing four facts to unravel the myth (the Quran Promotes Violence) that sustains the fear and hatred of Muslims and Islam. Intro : Fact 1: The Quran demands complete reading : Fact 2: All interpretations need to be discouraged : Fact 3: The right to self-defence can't be twisted for extremism : Fact 4: "Them" are not non-Muslims : Translation by: Alaa adel nasr Also see: Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism Does Islam inspire hatred?

Happiness – Part 10: How to ensure living in the present? Abid Ullah Jan

Happiness – Part 10: How to ensure living in the present? How to avoid allowing yourself to be a victim of time – a victim of the past and a slave to a future. How to avoid carrying with you a sense of unease? How to avoid being susceptible to stress, agitation and feel generally uncomfortable in life?  Watch Video PeaceQuest CommDev About the Author: Abid Ullah Jan Abid Ullah Jan’s Awards Abid Ullah jan’s Books Abid Ullah Jan’s Manuals Abid Ullah Jan Videos Crime Prevention through Social Development (French) by Abid Ullah Jan Implementing Crime Prevention through Social Development by Abid Ullah Jan Highlighting Success Stories – Abid Ullah Jan When Neighbourhoods Bounce Back – Abid Ullah Jan Crime Prevention Outcome - Abid Ullah Jan Crime Prevention through Social Development - Abid Ullah Jan Crime Prevention Ottawa – Safety Community Guide - Abid Ullah Jan Abid Ullah Jan’s Art Work Abid Ullah Jan’s Art Work Abid Ullah Jan